The social enterprise ESNAF \ ЕСНАФ, a member of the Social Enterprise Network,, has taken a step forward in its development.
The first online handicraft shop, now operating in its own physical space (next to Kultura Cinema), is offering products from over 50 craftsmen for startups, with hosts announcing that their number is yet to grow.
Public’s role in developing the social enterprise Esnaf consists of mentoring support at the start, mostly related to marketing and sales.
– We are happy for this start. This is our place, the place of all craftsmen and craftsmen. We work together under the brand “Esnaf”, a brand that will become a symbol of our tradition and culture. We are immensely grateful to everyone who believed and supported this idea, say the Guild.
Esnaf is a social enterprise (a member of the Social Enterprise Network,, which unites craftsmen.
It is a platform for the development of small craft businesses, established by the Creative Macedonia Institute, with the aim of bringing together craftsmen and connecting them with customers. What sets it apart from other creative platforms is the way it combines business and social equity.
In fact, Esnaf’s main intention is to empower the vulnerable by providing options for their work engagement, but previously enhancing their handicraft skills and capacities.
The founder, Isabella Sokolovska, talks about the new issue of “Face to Face” dedicated to the topic: a new economy, about the path of Esnaf’s birth, and the challenges that lie ahead.
– It started with an idea that had been boiling in my head for a long time. When you are a craftsman yourself and when you work with creative people for a long time, you know firsthand their needs, problems, needs. The world is moving ahead, the internet is more than beautiful people and everything that is bought, sold, advertised – is there. Here we are, a country rich in culture and tradition, authentic crafts, unique handicrafts and all that remains only on our territory – explains Sokolovska for “Face to Face”.
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