Social inclusion

An analysis of the indicators the which reflects social inclusion and the realization of social rights in Macedonia is the first pillar of Public, the Association for Research, Communications and Development.

Our field of interest is: access to the labor market for vulnerable categories of citizens and the consequences of long-term unemployment, limited educational opportunities, exclusion from housing and social inequality.

Current projects:


PUBLIC believes that combining non-formal education with inclusiveness can be a proper strategy for mitigating social exclusion on the job market. By applying a bottom-up approach in the efforts of constant learning for changes and actions, PUBLIC realised that there is a need for individual mentoring and group work that prepares individuals for participation at the open labour market. As a result, PUBLIC has created a contextualised mentorship program for guiding and counselling individuals titled as “social mentoring”.

It adds to the profiling of professional personnel (social workers and psychologists) acquiring skills to work with excluded groups from the labour market (non-formal education of new job profiles of professionals working with marginalised groups) as well as to the gaps in the skills base, by equipping marginalised groups with working skills (how to get a job) and skills for self-confidence and self-realisation (how to retain a job and prosper with career development), all necessary in working with the stress from marginalisation and social exclusion.

The main goal is to motivate people who are the most marginalised and the most distant from the labour market by focusing on their strengths and potential. In some cases, participants progress to employment, training or further education, while others gain increased self-confidence and increased strength and willingness to participate in further opportunities for self-development. Expected results are not only in labour market activity. Taking into account the level of social exclusion experienced by some users, such results improve quality of life, and further education and increased social and basic skills are of equal importance and in some cases may be a step towards potential inclusion in the labor market.

Completed projects:

1. Support and advocacy for employment of marginalized groups in Macedonia and the region
In collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Goals: To encourage and strengthen social entrepreneurship, civil society, public institutions and business sectors in the country to contribute to the social system reform process by providing sustainable economic opportunities, advocacy and networking that better respond to the needs and challenges facing marginalized groups in the open labour market.

Duration: 01/10 / 2018-30 / 09/2019

Implemented projects: